Freedom Interrupted

Freedom Interrupted
Late July of 2004- before Hurricane Charley in Punta Gorda, Florida...our new home...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


The weather turned cool last night, and the morning was perfect for an after breakfast pull.
That's what it's called when T Bird holds the leash.
Cuzz the dog at the front end of the leash T Bird holds does all the pullin'!
Pullin into the sunshine and springtime breeze made my eye-(the bad one)- water up.
So when the pullin stopped off to the side of the road, I took a second to clear the tear.
A sudden jerk on the dog end of the leashes caught my attention.
Shakey made a kind of snorting sound... like blowin dust out of his nose... but that didn't startle me.
It was the long, shiny thing danglin' across the stretched out section of the leashes that got my heart in my throat.... which by the way, kept the scream from comin' outa my mouth!
Yep! Shakey and Spazz had just got introduced to the business end of a snake!
And that snake just got introduced to the business end of Shakey!
Twistin and thrashin on the leash until he dropped to the pavement... that snake just realized he shoulda stayed in bed this morning!
Bravin' the distance 'tween him and me... I got a look at those round eyes shinin with shock!
I attempted to determine if Shakey had gotten a bite, by asking him! "Did he bite you Shakey?"
Shakey just kept sniffing the ground by the side of the road, which meant he did not even know that he had made that snake airborne my way!
So, at first I thought, " I am glad these dogs are with me to protect me from the wildlife."

Then I thought, " SHAKEY!!!! YOU THREW THAT SNAKE AT ME !!!!! "

And while all these thoughts were in my mind, my heart was settling down, and there was no chance of a blood curdling scream from me, the snake twisted himself over two or three times, with belly up to the sky, and head and tail, each end up to the sky, and I said last rights over him and off we went for a pull.
And when from a safe distance away I turned to look again at the sly serpent who met his match today, I saw himlimping, as only an injured snake can do, off to the side of the road where he met Shakey, on a pull.

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